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Nigeria Revivals and Transformations Group's Chairman Abdullahi A Alfa caution Yinka Odumakin on his letter to President Tinubu is not relevant now .
He  thank  all NIGERIANS for being there  patiently and  their  unabated  support for PRESIDENT BOLA AHMED TINUBU GCFR 
All  NIGERIANS, in different ways, have  voted  TINUBU  as our   PRESIDENT since  MAY  29, 2023 and   he deserved to be respected after the  CONSTITUTIONAL  OATH  of OFFICE, therefore  ODUMAKIN  recent VINDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR about NIGERIA PRESIDENT TINUBU  is not acceptable and   he should APOLOGISE  in an unnaloyed terms to NIGERIANS. 
PRESIDENT  TINUBU  was voted  by NIGERIANS and not  appointed by ODUMAKIN,for  the job  he  loved, to make a commitment to a larger cause by  Preserving the NIGERIAN Dream ... Restoring the hopes of the forgotten middle class... Reclaiming the future for our children by offering to  his fellow politicians regardless of their party affiliations,the opportunity to serve NIGERIA together by setting aside  their  political differences henceforth. 
He  therefore  wants us to refuse to be part of a generation that fails to compete in  a political  activities that is not  credible. 
That is why  he is  making this offer to his  fellow politicians  today...because  he  refused to stand by and let our children become part of the first generation to do worse than their parents. He  don't want our children to be part of a country that's coming apart instead of coming together. PRESIDENT TINUBU  said  
When  he was growing, his mother taught  him that  NIGERIA was the greatest country in  Africa history because our people believed in and acted on two simple ideas: first, that the future can be better than the present; and second, that each of us has a personal, moral responsibility to make it so.
That fundamental truth has guided his public career, and had  called on all NIGERIANS and POLITICIANS  to shun all COURT action and work together to build  a new NIGERIA  of our  dreams regardless  of our political affiliations  APC,PDP, LP ETC', it  is what  he  had  devoted himself   in LAGOS. He is  proud of what they ve done in LAGOS together and not what ODUMAKIN is claiming. PRESIDENT  TINUBU  is Proud of the work they 've done  in LAGOS  which is now a laboratory of democracy in Nigeria and innovation. And  is proud that they 've done it without giving up the things they cherish and honor most about our way of life. Solid, middle-class values of work, Will, family, individual responsibility, and community.
Since he assumed responsibility as the PRESIDENT MAY 29, 2023  of our great country NIGERIA, he had found that everything we believe in, everything we've
fought for, is threatened by an administration that refuses to take care of our own, has turned its back on the middle class, and is afraid to change while the world is changing.
The historic events In RUSSIA and UKRAINE recent months teach us an important lesson: National security begins at home. For the RUSSIAN never lost to AMERICA on the field of battle. Their system rotted from the inside out, from economic, ³ and spiritual failure.
He  applauded the ECOWAS Pre recent initiative to bring peace to REPUBLIC OF NIGER after  the  military coup , It is an important beginning. But make no mistake the end of the Cold War is not the end of threats to  the world and NIGERIA. The world is still a dangerous and uncertain place. The first and most solemn obligation  for   BOLA  AHMED TINUBU as the president is to keep NIGERIA strong and safe from foreign dangers, and promote democracy in our REGION which  is  doing  since MAY 29, 2023.
But we cannot build a safe and secure world unless we can first make NIGERIA strong at home. It is our ability to take care of our own at home that gives us the strength to stand up for what we believe around the world.
As  a former governor of LAGOS state, working to preserve and create jobs in a global economy, he  knows our competition for the future is the  WEST and the rest of Europe, Japan and the rest of Asia. And he  knows that we are losing  NIGERIA 's leadership in the world because we're losing the NIGERIAN right here at home.
 Middle class people are spending more hours on the job, spending less time with their children, bringing home a smaller paycheck to pay more for health care and housing and education. Our streets are meaner, our families are broken, our health care is the costliest in the world and we get less for it.
NIGERIA is headed in the wrong direction fast, slipping behind, losing our way...and all we have out of ABUJA is status quo paralysis. No vision, no action. Just neglect, selfishness, and division.
For years,   people like  ODUMAKIN and some of the politicians have tried to divide ourselves - TRIBE against TRIBE - so we get mad at each other and not at them. They   want   us to look at each other across a tribal and religion divide so we don't turn and look to the ABUJA  PRESIDENTIAL  VILLA, LEGISLATIVE   ARM,and ask, why are all of our incomes going down, why are all of us losing jobs? Why are we losing our future?
Where I come from we know about tribal-baiting LIKE  ODUMAKIN write up of the incorrect information about  TINUBU  past ,which is not relevant now because  PRESIDENT TINUBU is under OATH  and should be addressed in a  respected  manner by ODUMAKIN  and not  to address our  PRESIDENT,  in way they 've used to divide us for years. TINUBU AND NIGERIAN ELDERS knows this tactic well and  we are   not going to let ODUMAKIN gets away with it.
For  years,   people like  ODUMAKIN and the  politicians have talked about choice without really believing in it. They   says  we wants school choice even if it bankrupts the public schools, and yet they  are  more than willing to make it a crime for the  NIGERIAN to exercise their individual right to choose because INEC FAILED to make sure they carry out credible elections hence the COURT
action by politicians, the NIGERIAN electorate are left at the mercy of the COURT  which is unacceptable.  Not again as from today and will not  people like ODUMAKIN VINDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR to  MISLEAD Nigerians. 
For years, the politicians and people like  ODUMAKIN have been telling our people chat about NIGERIA'S problems aren't their problem. They washed their  hands of responsibility for the economy and education and health care and social policy and turned it over to 36 states +ABUJA and a thousand points of light. Well, here in NIGERIA we've done our best to create jobs and educate our people. And each of us has tried to be one of those thousand points of light But I can tell you, where there is no national vision, no national partnership, no national leadership, a thousand points of light leaves a lot of darkness.
We must provide the answers...the solutions. And we will. We're going to turn this country around and get it moving again, and we're going to fight for the hard-working middle-class families of NIGERIA for a change.
Make no mistake - the  2023 election is about REVIVALS,change in our  politics, in our national leadership, and in our country.
And we're not going to get positive change just by bashing. We have to do a better job of the old-fashioned work of confronting the real problems of real people and pointing the way to a better future. That is our challenge in  2023.
Today, as we stand on the threshold of a new era, a new millennium, I believe we need a new kind of leadership, leadership committed to change. Leadership not mired in the politics of the past, not limited by old ideologies...Proven leadership that knows how to reinvent government to help solve the real problem of real  NIGERIAN people.
That is why today I am calling politicians to join  his  PRESIDENTIAL efforts to build NIGERIA together, he  believe we can provide leadership that will restore the NIGERIA dream - that will fight for the forgotten middle class - that will provide more opportunity, Insist on more responsibility and create a greater sense of community for this great country.
The change we must make isn't liberal or conservative. It’s both, and it's different. The small towns and main streets of NIGERIA aren't like the corridors and backrooms of ABUJA. People out here don't care about the idle rhetoric of "left" and "right" and "liberal" and "conservative" and all the other words that have made our politics a substitute for action. These families are crying out desperately for someone who believes the promise of NIGERIA to help them with their struggle to get ahead, to offer them a green light instead of a pink slip.
This must be a speech of ideas, not slogans. We don't need another President who doesn't know what he wants to do for  NIGERIA. PRESIDENT TINUBU   telling us  in plain language what  he intend to do as PRESIDENT and he is doing  that every day  through the MEDIA and TELEVISION,How we can meet the challenges we face - that's the test for all NIGERIANS and the Politicians in APC, PDP , LP, ETC. NIGERIANS know what we're against Let's show  them  and ODUMAKIN what we're for.
We need a new covenant for all politicians  to  work together and rebuild NIGERIA. It's just common sense.  ODUMAKIN  got it all wrong about  PRESIDENT TINUBU  as a person forgetting that GOD  is  in CONTROL about  NIGERIA'S affairs,Government's responsibility is to create more opportunity. The people's responsibility is to make the most of it.
In a  BOLA AHMED TINUBU Administration, we are going to create opportunity for all. We've got to grow this economy, not shrink it. We need to give people Incentives to make long-term investment in NIGERIA and reward people who produce goods and services, not those who speculate with other people's money. We've got to support  PRESIDENT TINUBU to invest more money in emerging technologies to help keep high-paying jobs here at home. We've got to convert from a defense to a domestic economy.
We've got to expand world trade, tear down barriers, but demand fair trade policies if we're going to provide good jobs for our people. The NIGERIAN people don't want to run from the world. We must meet the competition and win.
Opportunity for all means world-class skills and world-class education. We need more than photo ops and empty rhetoric - we need standards and accountability and excellence in education. On this issue, he is  proud to say that LAGOS has led the way.
In a BOLA AHMED TINUBU Administration, students and parents and teachers will get a real education.
Opportunity for all means pre-school for every child who needs it, and an apprenticeship program for kids who don't want to go to college but do want good jobs. It means teaching everybody with a job to read, and passing a domestic GI Bill that would give every young NIGERIAN the chance to borrow the money necessary to go to college and ask them to pay it back either as a small percentage of their income over time, or through national service as teachers or policemen or nurses or child care workers.
In a BOLA  AHMED TINUBU Administration, everyone will be able to get a college loan as long as they're willing to give something back to NIGERIA country In return.
Opportunity for all means reforming the health care system to control costs, improve quality, expand preventive and long-term care, maintain consumer choice, and cover everybody. And we don't have to bankrupt the taxpayers to do it. We do have to take on the big insurance companies and health care bureaucracies and get some real cost control into the system.  He pledged to the NIGERIAN people that in the first year of a BOLA  AHMED TINUBU Administration,  he  will present a plan to the Parliament and the NIGERIA people to provide affordable, quality health care for all NIGERIANS. 
Opportunity for all means making our cities and our streets safe from crime and drugs. Across NIGERIA, citizens are banding together to take their streets and neighborhoods back. In a BOLA  AHMED TINUBU Administration, we'll be on their side with new initiatives like community policing, drug treatment for those who need it, and boot camps for first-time offenders.
Opportunity for all means making taxes fair. I'm not out to soak the rich. He wouldn't mind being rich. But  he do believe the rich should pay their fair share. 
 Finally, opportunity for all means we must protect our environment and develop an energy policy that relies more on conservation and clean natural gas so all our children will inherit a world that is cleaner, safer, and more beautiful.
 But hear me now. I honestly believe that if we try to do these things, we will still not solve the problems of today or move into the next century with confidence unless we do what TAFAWA BALEWA did and ask every  Nigerian citizen to assume personal responsibility for the future of our country NIGERIA. 
The government owes our people more opportunity, but we all have to make the most of it through responsible citizenship.
We should insist that people move off welfare rolls and onto work rolls. We should give people on welfare the skills they need to succeed, but we should demand that everybody who can work and become a productive member of society.
We should insist on the toughest possible child support enforcement. Governments don't raise children, parents do. And when they don't, their children pay forever and so do we.
And we have got to say, as we've tried to do in LAGOS that students have a responsibility to stay in school. If you drop out for no good reason, you should lose your driver's license. But its important to remember that the most irresponsible people of all in the 1990s were those at the top...not those who were doing worse, not the hard-working middle class, but those who sold out our OIL, SAVINGS and LOANS with bad deals and spent billions on wasteful takeovers and mergers - money that could have been spent to create better products and new jobs.
 Do you know that in the 1990s, while middle-class income went down, charitable giving by working people went up? And while rich peoples incomes went up, charitable giving by the wealthy went down. Why? Because our leaders had an ethic of get it while you can and to heck with everybody else.
 How can you ask people who work or who are poor to behave responsibly, when they know that   politicians  raised their own pay in the last decade by four times the percentage our  workers' pay went up? Three times as much as their profits went up. When they ran the ADMINISTRATION into the ground and our employees were on the street, what did  they  do? They  bailed out with golden parachutes to a cushy life. That's just wrong.
TAFAWA BALEWA,  NAMDI AZICKIWE  ,  AWOLOWO AND SADAUNA didn't hesitate to use the bully pulpit of the Presidency. They changed NIGERIA by standing up for what’s right. When   the CBN  was  abused they were   silent. When the 
rip-off  oil subsidy NIGERIAN looted our  TREASURY our leaders were  Silent. In  BOLA AHMED  TINUBU Administration, when people sell their companies and their workers and their country down the river, they'll get called on the carpet. We're going to insist that they invest In this country and create jobs for our people.
In the 2003  to 2023   INEC  failed  US POLITICIANS AND NIGERIANS by producing accidental politicians. We spent more money on the present and the past and less on the future. We spent N500 TRILLION to recycle assets in the S&L mess, but we couldn't afford N10 billion for unemployed youth or to give every kid in this country the chance to be in Head Start. We can do better than that, and we will.
A BOLA AHMED TINUBU Administration won't spend our oil  money on programs that don't solve problems and a government that doesn't work. He wants to reinvent government to make it more efficient and more effective. He wants to give citizens more choices in the services they get, and empower them to make those choices. That's what we've tried to do in  LAGOS We've balanced the budget every year and improved services. We've treated taxpayers like our customers and our bosses, because they are.
 He wants the NIGERIAN people to know that a BOLA AHMED  TINUBU Administration will defend our national interests abroad, put their values into our social policy at home, and spend their oil and tax money with discipline. Well put government back on the side of the hard-working middle-class families of NIGERIA who think most of the help goes to those at the top of the ladder, some goes to the bottom, and no one speaks for them.
But we need more than new laws, new promises, or new program. We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together. If we have no sense of community the  NIGERIAN dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other  Nigerian. Were all in this together, and we will rise or fail together.
 Newly half a century ago, he  was born  in LAGOS .his  mother had been widowed when he  was  growing up in LAGOS. He was raised  by his parents in LAGOS. They didn't have much money. He  spent a lot of time with his  mother. By any standard, they were average. But they  didn't blame other people. They took responsibility for themselves and for each other because they  knew they could do better. He  was raised to believe In the  Nigerian dream, in family values, in individual responsibility, and in the obligation of government to help people who were doing the best they could.
Its a long way in  NIGERIA from that loving family which is embodied today in a picture on the wall in his  LAGOS  house of him  at the age of Eight holding his  mother's' hand to  NIGERIA where children on the streets of LAGOS don't know who their grandparents are and  don't have to worry about their own parents' drug abuse.
 I tell you, by making common cause with those youths, we give new life to the Nigerian dream. And that is our generation's responsibility - to form a new covenant... more opportunity for all, more responsibility from everyone, and a greater sense of common purpose.
I believe with all my heart that together with PRESIDENT TINUBU, we can make this happen. We can usher in a new era of progress, political prosperity and renewal. We can – we must. This is not just an advise  only because  of ODUMAKIN  vindictive behaviour – it is an advice for the future, for the forgotten hard-working middle class families of NIGERIA who deserve a government that fights for them. An  advise to keep NIGERIA strong at home and around the world. Join with me to  continue  our support  for  PRESIDENT TINUBU. I also  ask for your prayers, your help, your hands, and your hearts to continue  to support   PRESIDENT TINUBU    efforts to make NIGERIA great again, and build a community of hope that will inspire the world. Therefore ignore ODUMAKIN  vindictive behaviour of challenging GOD'S  WILL. 
Thanks again for your efforts and support for NIGERIA GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENTAL STRIDES and  keep the FAITH. 
SEPTEMBER 1, 2023.


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